The Cliff

The Cliff – a 10 room luxury camp located inside the Nakuru park defies conventional labels, being a combination of safari lodge, tented camp, and boutique hotel, constructed and furnished in a contemporary European style. Perched on a cliff, it offers panoramic view for each guest tent to overlook the lake from the comfort of guest tent.

Each tent is built on solid foundations at the edge of the cliff, and faces the lake, allowing guests 180-degree views of the panoramic paradise, yet maintaining privacy. Not wanting to waste the view, the tent is spacious, and the freestanding bath looks outwards. While the exterior environment at The Cliff is pure Africa, the room interiors combine organic chic with international design to create the understated style of a modern boutique hotel.

Lake Nakuru, is a soda lake nestled into the ancient Rift Valley and a feeding ground for thousands of flamingos. Only two and a half hours from Kenya’s capital, Nairobi, the lake is protected by the surrounding national park, a mix of woodlands, bush, savannah, and volcanic cliffs that make it a perfect habitat for four of Africa’s Big Five. One of the biggest attractions of this park is the rhinos & Rothschild giraffe. Rothschild giraffe is one of the endangered species of giraffes with only 200 of them surviving. One key trait to distinguish them from other giraffes is the deep body color with white soccer socks like texture of hoof till knees.


Kenya Itineraries