
The Marangu Route, also known as the Coca-Cola Route, is one of the most popular and well-established treks to the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro. The Marangu Route is the shortest of the established routes to the summit of Kilimanjaro, typically taking 5-6 days to complete.

The Marangu Route is unique in that it is the only route that offers huts for climbers to stay in. These huts provide basic but comfortable accommodations, with bunk beds and shared facilities. The Marangu Route is a gradual ascent through lush forests, moorlands, and alpine deserts, with the summit push being relatively steep and strenuous.

Due to its popularity and reputation as the “easiest” route to the summit, the Marangu Route can be quite crowded, especially during peak climbing season. The Marangu Route is the only route on Kilimanjaro that offers the option of staying in huts instead of camping. The huts provide basic but comfortable accommodations with bunk beds and shared facilities, and they offer a unique aspect of the Marangu experience. However, it’s important to note that the huts can be crowded, especially during peak climbing season, so trekkers should be prepared for a more social experience. Additionally, because the huts are permanent structures, they can also be more susceptible to overcrowding and overuse, which is something to consider if you are looking for a more wilderness experience. The success rate for this route is upto 60%-75%. Add another day of acclimatization in Horombo huts to increase the success rate.

Package Includes

  • All Camping & park fee
  • Two-nights stay in Arusha
  • Private guide, porters & cook
  • Camping equipment


  • Enjoy a guided trek to Mt Kilimanjaro
  • Quick route
  • Mid-budget stays in Arusha to rest before & after trek
  • Porters to carry luggage & other camping equipment
  • Freshly prepared meals while camping
  • Emergency evacuation by ground in case of any injury or similar nature
  • Best time to go:
  • Best
  • Good
  • Mixed
  • Jan
  • Feb
  • Mar
  • Apr
  • May
  • June
  • July
  • Aug
  • Sep
  • Oct
  • Nov
  • Dec


Accommodation Visited


Masai Land 


Day 1

Arrive in Tanzania at Kilimanjaro International Airport early in the morning, where a representative from our team will be waiting to meet and greet you. After your arrival, you will be transferred to Arusha and checked into the Masai Land Lodge.

Here, you will have the opportunity to meet the team that will accompany you on your six-day trek to Kilimanjaro. During a brief orientation session, the team will provide you with important information and answer any questions you may have. If necessary, they will also assist you in purchasing or renting any remaining trekking gear. The cook will also meet with you to plan your meals for the duration of the trek.

It’s important to get as much rest as possible, as the journey ahead starts early the next day. Be sure to get plenty of sleep and prepare yourself for an exciting and challenging adventure on the slopes of Kilimanjaro.

Day 2

Check-out from the hotel after breakfast and head to Marangu gate early morning. The journey begins at the Marangu Gate, where you will acquire all the permits from the park authorities. Start your ascent to Mandara hut from the gate.

The trail begins with a gradual ascent through lush rainforest and is well-maintained, making it a relatively easy hike. The lush rainforest along the trail is home to a variety of wildlife and provides a unique contrast to the more barren landscape found at higher altitudes on the mountain.

The trail begins at an altitude of 1,860 meters and reaches an altitude of 2,700 meters at the Mandara Huts, making it a great way to acclimate to the altitude before moving higher up the mountain. The distance from Marangu Gate to Mandara Huts is approximately 9 kilometers and can take 3-4 hours to complete, depending on your pace and fitness level.

At the end of the trek, you will arrive at the Mandara Huts, which offer basic but comfortable accommodations.

Day 3

In the second stage of your trek, head towards the Horombo huts. This section of the trail provides stunning views of the surrounding landscape, including Kilimanjaro’s iconic glaciers and the expansive plains below.

The trail continues to ascend gradually and becomes more challenging as the altitude increases, passing through moorland and alpine meadows. The Mandara Huts are located at an altitude of 2,700 meters and the Horombo Huts are located at an altitude of 3,720 meters, so this section of the trek will test your acclimation to the altitude.

The distance from Mandara Huts to Horombo Huts is approximately 12 kilometers and can take 5-6 hours to complete.

Day 4

The Horombo Hut to Kibo Hut trek is a challenging but rewarding part of the Marangu Route on Mount Kilimanjaro. The trail becomes increasingly steep and challenging as the altitude increases, passing through alpine desert and rock formations. The rocky terrain can be difficult to navigate, and hikers should be prepared for loose rocks and steep inclines.

The landscape on this section of the trail is barren and desolate, but the views of Kilimanjaro’s glaciers and the surrounding peaks are truly awe-inspiring. Cover the distance of approximately 12 kilometers in 5-7 hours. The landscape on this section of the trail is barren and desolate, but the views of Kilimanjaro’s glaciers and the surrounding peaks are truly awe-inspiring.

The Horombo Hut to Kibo Hut trek provides a unique and challenging experience for hikers on the Marangu Route. Whether you are a seasoned hiker or a beginner, this section of the trail will be a test of both your physical and mental fortitude.

Day 5

It’s the D-day as you finally make your way up to the Uhuru peak at 5,985m. The longest of all days. The trail is steep and challenging, with loose rocks, steep inclines, and high altitude making it physically demanding. There are no overnight accommodations on this section of the trail, as the trek is completed in a single push to the summit.

The Kibo Huts are located at an altitude of 4,700 meters, and the summit of Uhuru Peak is located at an altitude of 5,895 meters, so this section of the trek will be a significant test of your acclimation to the altitude. Before reaching the summit, hikers must first reach Gilman’s Point, which is located at 5,681 meters and offers a stunning panoramic view of the surrounding landscape. Sleep overnight at Horombo huts as your body has given it all to make it to the summit.

Overall, the Kibo Huts to Uhuru Peak trek is a physically and mentally challenging experience that requires careful preparation and a strong will to succeed. However, with the right training and mindset, it is an unforgettable and rewarding experience that will culminate in standing on the rooftop of Africa.

Day 6

The journey from Horombo huts to Marangu Gate is the final stage of your Kilimanjaro summit experience and is where you will receive your certificate to commemorate your accomplishment.

The trail is relatively easy and relatively flat, making it a relatively straightforward and leisurely descent. The landscape on this section of the trail is lush and verdant, with dense forest and an abundance of wildlife, making it a stark contrast to the barren and inhospitable terrain encountered on the previous stages of the trek. The stretch of 20 kms takes upto 6-8 hours to close the final lap of trek.

Upon arrival at Marangu Gate, you will be presented with a certificate that serves as proof of your achievement in reaching the summit of Kilimanjaro. Bid goobye to the amazing guides and their team who have walked shoulder to shoulder with you as you finished your journey through Mt. Kilimanjaro.

Transfer to city hotel to wash off all the sweat and dirt from your trek and rest overnight.

Day 7

After a slow morning and relishing a hearty breakfast, it’s time to head out to Kilimanjaro airport. Check-out from the hotel and bid your goodbyes to the amazing people you have come across during your trip.
We will meet you for your next adventure soon!!

Detailed Tour Price
No. Of PaxPrice
Upto 2 pax$ 2,160
2 to 4 pax$ 1,928
4+ pax$ 1,737

Above mentioned rates are per person rates on sharing basis. These are indicative prices & not actuals.

  • All rates are subject to availability and may change without notice.
  • Single supplements & charges for kids may vary
  • Reach out to our experience curator team for tailor-made packages, actual package rates & anything that makes you curious for your trip.


Kenya Itineraries