Thank You

Asante Sana

Thank you for taking the first step towards an unforgettable journey into the heart of Africa’s wilderness. By choosing to witness the Wildebeest Migration with us, you’ve embarked on a thrilling adventure filled with breathtaking moments and unforgettable encounters.

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Join our community of fellow wildlife enthusiasts and adventurers as we countdown to the trip of a lifetime.

Our Private Safari Packages

Why is Migration the Best Time for Safari?

Abundant Wildlife

Good Weather Conditions

Less Vegetation, Clear Viewing

Thrilling Predator-Prey Interactions

More about the Wildebeest Migration

In January 2024, a seismic shift rippled through the wildlife conservation world as the Narok County Government of Kenya announced significant revisions to the park fees for the revered Maasai Mara Game Reserve.

The Wildebeest are the nomads of the Serengeti & Masai and are always on the move. Serengeti & Masai national parks are one of the oldest intact ecosystems of the earth.

Are you someone looking forward to modifying your perspective, refreshing your prerogatives, and redirecting your mindset? If your answer is yes, then trust us, all you need to do is just visit Africa.

Safaris are one of the most intriguing holiday options for anybody to explore. They bring you closer to the beauty of nature while providing a retreat from the monotony of your daily life.


Kenya Itineraries